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DAR Finish Specialties, Inc. added to the Symphony

Ortega Construction has awarded contract to DAR Finish Specialties, Inc for doors, frames, hardware, and running trim for The Symphony Park Hotel. Existing structures on a corner lot of Washington and 17th Street are to be demolished to make way for the 150-room hotel with 122 mechanical parking spaces above ground floor retail.

Sobe Center, LLC has filed plans to demolish and replace a South Beach Citibank with a hotel designed by French architect Rudy Ricciotti. The proposal includes 150 hotel rooms, with 122 mechanical parking spaces. There will also be ground floor retail and restaurant, and a rooftop pool, bar and restaurant.

New World Symphony and Soundscape Park are across the street, with Lincoln Road a block away. On the opposite corners are the Temple Emanu-El synagogue, Jackie Gleason Theater, and Convention Center.

A variance to allow the building height of eight stories (instead of seven permitted) and 83 feet (instead of 80 permitted) will be needed. Other variances including setback requirements will be needed.

Jacques Chahine’s Credus I Corporation is listed as a 50% partner, with the other half managed by Ronald and Richard Finvarb. - THE NEXT MIAMI


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